Zoning Board

Zoning Board Application Form

Consists of seven (7) members and two (2) alternate members appointed by City Council:

Patrick Pasceri, Chairperson
4 -year Term expiring 12/31/2027

Louis Feola Jr., Vice Chairperson
4-year Term expiring 12/31/2027

Kenneth Cloud
4-year term expiring 12/31/2025

Caryn Durling
4-year term expiring 12/31/2025

Jacqueline Elko
4-year term expiring 12/31/2024

William McGinn
4-year term expiring 12/31/2027

Robert Tull
4-year term expiring 12/31/2026

Donna Fitzpatrick     (Alternate #1)
4-year term expiring 12/31/2025

Richard Browne       (Alternate #2)
4-year term expiring 12/31/2025

Christopher Gillin-Schwartz, Esq., Gillin-Schwartz Law, Board Solicitor
Andrew Previti, Colliers Engineering & Design, Board & Municipal Engineer
Genell Ferrilli, Board Secretary


Click here for the 2022 Calendar of Meetings

The Sea Isle City Zoning Board of Adjustments meets regularly on the 1st Monday of the month, with the exception of official holidays where the meeting is held on the Wednesday of that week. Meetings are conducted in the Council Meeting Room located at City Hall, 233 John F. Kennedy Blvd., 3rd Floor, Sea Isle City, NJ.  All Regular Meetings begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Site Plan/Completeness Review Meetings are held prior to Regular Meetings at 6:00 PM (only when necessary).

General Information
Construction Official, Building Sub-code Official, Zoning Officer & Certified Floodplain Manager
Neil Byrne
Clerk 1, Planning & Zoning Board Secretary
Genell Ferrilli
Clerk Typist
Rose Divney
Technical Assistant
Mariah Rodia
Building Inspector, Plumbing Sub-code Official & Fire Sub-code Official
Jason Dilworth
Electrical Sub-code Official
Bill Hoffman
233 John F. Kennedy Blvd
Sea Isle City,
