Message from the Mayor - January 14, 2025
On today’s City Council agenda are two ordinances - one for Introduction to amend the boat slip fees at our marina; and one for Second Reading and Public Hearing to amend the city’s salary ordinance.
The marina slip fee ordinance includes a 10% increase. It’s been several years since we increased these fees, and they remain very reasonable in comparison to other marinas in our region.
The salary ordinance is being amended to reflect changes to city staff salaries, in accordance with contractual agreements.
The Consent Agenda includes authorization of professional services contracts with our city engineer and bond counsel; authorization of the purchase of vehicles and equipment for the Public Works Department, consistent with the capital plan and funding ordinances adopted by City Council; and a resolution establishing the location of beaches to be staffed with lifeguards for 2025.
I want to provide a brief update on the progress of our new Community Center, under construction in the 4500-block of Park Road and Central Avenue…
The project remains on schedule and within budget. As I previously reported, the building’s steel structure was “topped off” last month. By the end of this month, the contractor is expected to complete all of the steel decking, welding, and bolting of the structure. In February, we’ll see the rooftop heating and air conditioning units placed on the building; along with completion of the exterior wall framing and sheathing. By the end of March, the contractor expects to complete installation of the exterior windows, doors, and roofing - giving them a watertight building. This is a key milestone, as it affects the progress of the remainder of the work inside the building.
By and large, other than the past couple weeks, we’ve had favorable weather conditions during construction of this project. While the contract does account for winter weather, let’s hope for a limited amount of rain, snow, and extreme cold over the next couple of months, as that can affect the schedule.
At this point, we are still looking at a Fall 2025 completion and move-in.
I believe I can speak for all city staff that we are very excited about the opening of the Community Center and look forward to welcoming everyone in the city into what we know will become the main gathering place in town and a place to be enjoyed by all.
As always, please remember - we are one Sea Isle City and together we’ll be stronger than ever.
Smile…You’re in Sea Isle,
Mayor Leonard C. Desiderio
Message from the Council - January 9, 2025
The main purpose of the January 2 City Council meeting was to adopt Sea Isle City’s 2025 “Temporary Budget” – hence that meeting was scheduled on the first business day of the year at 9:00 AM, at which time the 2025 Temporary Budget of $6,168,741.47 was approved through Resolution 001, which was the first resolution of 2025.
Municipalities in New Jersey are mandated by the State to create a Temporary Budget, which allows towns to pay their bills and operate normally until their annual Municipal Budgets are passed later in the year. Temporary Budgets can consist of up to 26.25% of the funds listed in the previous year’s annual budget (excluding any debt services or capital improvement funds).
We remind everyone that City Council’s 2025 Meeting Schedule is available on Sea Isle City’s Municipal Website,, via the “Government / City Council” and “City Meetings” tabs and the “Upcoming City Meetings” calendar (all of which are located on the website’s home page).
Our next City Council meeting will be held at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, January 14, on the third floor of City Hall.
We hope that everyone enjoyed the 2024 Holiday Season and Sea Isle’s New Year’s Eve Fireworks Show – and that the year ahead is healthy and prosperous for all!
Best regards from the members of City Council,
Council President William Kehner
Frank Edwardi
J.B. Feeley
Jack Gibson
Mary Tighe